Levels 1 and 2
Two-Day Course

Two Full Days of Private 1-2-1 Tuition - (in person or via Zoom)
To commence your Tarot journey, we start with a two-day course. These two days will enable you to gain the knowledge and confidence to set you firmly on your path as a Tarot reader.
This will highlight many aspects of Tarot you may not have considered before and gently guide you through a maze of symbolism, structure, layouts, reversals and much more!
Whilst the myriad of subjects we cover seem daunting, they all, in fact, mould together with ease, each one following on seamlessly from the subject before.
Of course, all my courses involve a lot of laughter, so not only will your learning experience be fun, but there will be no pressure. In saying that... I will make you work!
Ideally these two days would be over one weekend (Saturday and Sunday), however if you are unable to book an entire Saturday and Sunday together, let me know, and we can look at splitting them over two weekends.
Subjects Covered in Levels 1 and 2
Day One
Brief History, including the Witchcraft Act
The Rider Waite Deck
How to choose the best Tarot deck for you
Buying a deck from a store
Purchasing on-line
Cleansing your new or second-hand deck
Storing your deck
Infusing your energy into the cards
Overview of the cards
Essential structure
Major Arcana
Minor Arcana
Basic Tarot Numerology
Learning your personal significance of each card
Basic Symbolism
Preparing for your readings
Day Two
Understanding what a Significator is used for
How to choose a Significator
Practical use of a Significator
Personalities within the Court Cards
How to accurately assess the star signs, elements and attributes of the Court Cards
Reversals - Pros and Cons
Introducing Reversals into a reading
Traditional Reversals
Intuitive Reversals
Further insights into Symbolism
Further Layouts
£250.00 - 1-2-1 two-day session based in Honiton, East Devon. Click here for my booking and cancellation policies.
This two-day training session can also be carried out via Zoom - ask for details.
Alternatively, for my group workshops in Glastonbury, please click here.
Contact me for more information.